Download our case studies

To understand more about Datahub have a look at some of the case studies where we have worked with clients. We work with a range of industries and support clients to improve their business and to make the best use of their data.

Digital Transformation

A global gas and oil company wanted to implement a digital transformation project in Egypt.

Microsoft Fabric Project

An airline required a reporting solution to improve efficiency and customer service

Data Engineering

Implementing a new Azure database and Power BI reporting solution for a European private healthcare company

Machine Learning

UK based Call Centre needed insights into why their staff retention was very low

Data Compliance

We supported an airline to implement multiple data protection laws

Power BI Migration

Implementing a new reporting solution to meet global needs

Training Services

A structured training plan and delivery of training services for a global retailer

Find out how we can help

We do not employ salespeople; our team are all experienced technical specialists that can talk you through any of our services.

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